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3701 Arco Corporate Drive
NC 28273 Charlotte
Sebastian tells

Employee benefits
"I like working here."



"We would like to become your long-term professional home, where you can contribute your ideas and your warmth to our shared future."

It's only now that I'm really aware of the phrase, even though I read it when I was applying for a job at HUESKER. Even in my first few days, it quickly became clear that this is not just an empty phrase to attract applicants. My own experience from the start at HUESKER and the onboarding discussions with colleagues show time and again that the warmth and togetherness at HUESKER are perceived as truly enormous. This is not something that can be forced or determined - this mentality is the result of the team spirit and the motivation of all colleagues at HUESKER.

Togetherness - family working methods and entrepreneurial success in harmony

HUESKER wants to be perceived as a professional home, and when I look at the feedback from new and especially long-standing colleagues, we are on the right track. Even if a family atmosphere and therefore a feeling of home cannot be enforced from above, there are many opportunities and gestures to support it. To this end, HUESKER promotes the personal development of each individual and regularly invests in team-building measures and company events.



Enjoying together

In addition to several other benefits (e.g., free fruit and water, 37-hour working week), HUESKER offers discounted lunches, which means that this offer is very popular. People meet each other over lunch, and there is a lot of dialogue between colleagues. This fosters a sense of togetherness that I hadn't experienced before my time at HUESKER. I often used to eat quickly on my computer screen or not at all because there was simply too much to do, or I wanted to be home as quickly as possible in the afternoon. Today, I enjoy conversations outside the workplace over a good meal in various settings. This creates entirely new relationships, regardless of department or area of responsibility.

Become a cyclist

We know best what motivates us. That's why I share the HUESKER idea that everyone's ideas are important. This allows us to improve current concepts and develop new benefits. One of my first projects was based on this idea. The job bike has been requested often and can finally be realized despite some hurdles. Plus, it was made even more attractive with employer contributions to the insurance. The Jobrad program represents a major step towards sustainability. The basic idea behind this benefit is the health aspect. Nevertheless, it is clear that the environmental and resource benefits should not be underestimated.

Healthy employees - healthy company

At our company, we are committed to your health and well-being. Our health management system is designed to create additional incentives for you to take care of your health. By participating in sporting activities, check-ups, and preventive examinations, you are not only rewarded but also investing in your own well-being. We believe that healthy, motivated, and productive employees are the key success factors for our company. Personally, it has motivated me to do more than just go for a skin check every two years. At the end of the year, any costs not covered by health insurance are compensated for by a non-cash benefit, showing our commitment to your health and well-being.

It is beneficial for us to continue to develop the HUESKER benefit network. We can only improve with more ideas.

Yours, Sebastian

Human Resources