Tubular grid of Incomat® Crib concrete mat
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3701 Arco Corporate Drive
NC 28273 Charlotte

Incomat® Crib

Plantable concrete mattress for erosion control

Incomat Crib comprises a grid of tubular members that are filled with concrete. The intermediate rectangular recesses are left un-filled and, after concreting, act as large-area filter-points. Alternatively, these areas can be filled with soil and subsequently vegetated.

The tubular-grid mattress is mainly used for bank protection. It is installed by lakes and watercourses in the intermediate zone between the high and low water marks or above the permanent water level. It can also be used to stabilize dam areas that are subject to overflow and to line spillways. After planting, Incomat Crib provides a visually appealing and ecological means of erosion control.


  • Erosion protection for standing waters or above the permanent water level

  • Eco-friendly erosion control

  • Large planting areas or filter-points

  • Proven performance in overflow sections

  • Classed as harmless under M Geok E 2016 (Guidance Paper on the Use of Geosynthetics in Earthworks for Roadbuilding Projects) and BBodSchV (German Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance)

Incomat is a registered trademark of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH

Simple installation process

Step 1

Preparation of formation

Step 2

Spreading out of panels

Step 3

Filling of panels with fluid concrete/mortar

Further information

can be found here
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