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3701 Arco Corporate Drive
NC 28273 Charlotte

North Carolina's House Speaker Visits Shelby

On Tuesday, March 27, 2018, HUESKER Inc.’s manufacturing facility in Shelby was pleased to host a visit from North Carolina’s Speaker of the House, Tim Moore. Speaker Moore, from nearby Kings Mountain, NC, toured the operations, met with his constituents and was provided with detailed discussions concerning the use and applications of the various materials being processed that day, including MineGrid®, Canal3®, Tektoseal®; Active and Fortrac®.  In turn, Speaker Moore presented a Certificate of Recognition to HUESKER Inc. highlighting our continued contribution to the textile industry in North Carolina.  In the past, HUESKER Inc. has hosted Congressman McHenry and looks forward to introducing other elected officials (Local, State, and Federal) to our manufacturing capabilities and the geosynthetic industry.